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South Jersey Pediatrics

Newborn Advice

Our entire staff is delighted to welcome You and Your Baby to Advocare South Jersey Pediatrics!


New parents, and even experienced parents, often have many questions about caring for their infant. To complement the care we provide in our office and assist you between visits, the medical staff of Advocare South Jersey Pediatrics has developed a helpful reference guide: You and Your Baby. Click on the title link to read this booklet online or to download and print your personal copy. You will also receive a copy of the booklet either in the hospital when your baby is born, or at your newborn's first office visit.


You and Your Baby answers common questions and provides information about your child's developmental stages. You'll also find pages to record important immunization dates and milestones. For your convenience, we have included a page where you can add your own questions and concerns, as a reminder to discuss them with us by phone during office hours or at your office visits. You may copy and print additional pages for your questions, as needed. We will gladly discuss any questions you may have.

Newborn baby swaddled in a blanket
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